Crying into my flat white
as I look over a blog post from 2018, I have the same feels as today…
Do you ever get a message off someone that makes your heart burst and your eyes leak?
Let me set the scene. I’m in a quirky cafe, with a pretty rad spotify playlist, planning a yoga session, drinking an oat milk flat white from a cup with no handles, could I sound any more millennial? Cue out of the blue a text from my beautiful cousin and more important one of my best friends. She reminded me how down I was almost 3 years ago. When a sudden change of events lead me back home to Cork, how I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, how we lost some very important people and how things were, well, a little bit shit.
But then she went on to tell me ( or text me) how I fell in love with life again. How I found myself in a new place. How I fell in love and allowed somebody to wake up what was already in my soul. How I’m using my experience to promote health and well-being for others. And she told me…she was proud of me. So here I am, tears streaming into my flattie, happy tears I might add though. The music has taken a shift from the typical cafe feels playlist to something a little more dramatic. Really setting the scene. My heart bursting while I reflect over the passed 3 years in a flash. There’s a girl beside me, I can tell she is trying to see if I’m okay. I give a quick smile and she laughs. I’m a hot mess.
Its funny though you think you know how your path in life is going to go. And then things might go tits up. Do unplanned and unexpected changes have to be bad? What if changes could be good by default. We all have to be mindful that we can learn new things every time there is change. You discover new insights about different aspects of your life. You learn lessons even from changes that did not lead you to where you wanted to be. If someone was to tell me 3 years ago I would be living in Brighton with a boyfriend, training to be a yoga teacher and managing a cafe I would have laughed. That wasn’t my path. And if someone was to mention being the big V (vegan) I would have told them they were crazy.
From time to time changes make you re-evaluate your life and look at things from a different perspective. Depending on what the change is, it may also reinforce your life values. Maybe we all need to be reminded of how far we have come and how we have embraced change.
So tell your friend, it doesn’t take much, you might even make their eyes leak into their coffee too.